Monday, March 1, 2010

How to Make a Whey Protein Sandwich

When you want muscle building protein in a quick and convenient manner, your best bet might be to resort to a good quality whey protein powder. The only drawback to this terrific bodybuilding food is that it digests too quickly and often leaves a bodybuilder feeling hungry again within an hour when not consumed with slower digesting body building foods. In this video, Scott Abbett shows you how to combine muscle building whey protein with the ultimate food for slowing its digestion—providing a treat reminiscent in flavor to a popular candy.


  1. The food we eat on a daily basis does not provide enough nutritional replacement to rebuild the torn down muscle of a daily workout routine. Therefore, without a replacement program like the daily intake of a wwhey protein isolate type product, days will have to pass after a workout to allow for muscle to rebuild before working out again.

  2. whey protein isolate is your - from the ground up - building block for good muscle health. When you build a building, you first have to construct a foundation. The foundation must be square, level, and plumb. If the foundation is not square, level, and plumb, everything you build on top of it will continue to be the same.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello,

    Thanks for providing these useful tips over here. Whey protein powder is a high protein supplement mix that provides exceptional nutrition. It boasts the highest protein quality rating among all proteins, which giving newborns a healthy start in life and designed to build a strong immune system and attain a normal growth pattern.....

    Beta Alanine

  5. Thank you for sharing such a good recipe with us. I really liked it. We also have the best whey protein isolate supplement which is high in protein.
